The “the everlasting gospel” in the context of the three angel’s messages of Revelation 14 contains a message that includes our physical health: “Fear God and give glory to Him” it says in verse 7. How are we to glorify God? Among the numerous Bible counsels on how to “glorify” God we find this “... glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's”-- 1 Corinthians 6:20.
I have been preaching about what goes on in the mind when true worship takes place. My series was inspired by the William Temple quote: “To worship is to quicken the conscience by the holiness of God, to feed the mind with the truth of God, to purge the imagination by the beauty of God, to open the heart to the love of God and to devote the will to the purpose of God.” All of these activities take place in the mind which is made possible by the brain, which is part of the body. This is the primary reason for the Bible’s health message--to benefit the mind. Yes, living healthfully prevents and relieves suffering and can be instrumental in extending life--all wonderful benefits but the primary reason for the Bible’s health message is to maximize the function of the mind, the center of worship!
“Between the mind and the body there is a mysterious and wonderful relation. They react upon each other. To keep the body in a healthy condition to develop its strength, that every part of the living machinery may act harmoniously, should be the first study of our life. To neglect the body is to neglect the mind. It cannot be to the glory of God for His children to have sickly bodies or dwarfed minds.” -- Counsels on Health p. 122
We have a wonderful opportunity to help ourselves and others better understand how to care for our bodies through an exciting one week series of meetings beginning June 22 with It Is Written’s John Bradshaw and a number of experts on contemporary topics related to health. The title of the series is “Take Charge of Your Health”
Please tune in and invite your friends to watch. Those who register will receive free materials associated with the series. You will find more information and may register for the series here.