Marriages on Mission

In Matthew 4:18-20, Jesus saw Peter and Andrew working as fishermen and said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”  They immediately got out of the boat and followed Him. 

Notice that Jesus called these men into ministry, and He calls all of us into ministry.  The Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8 tells us that we are to be empowered by His Holy Spirit to make disciples of all people.  Jesus said He would make us fishers of men, that we would receive His power through His Spirit, and that He would be with us to the end of the age.

The first question, then, is obvious: What is the first step of ministry?  The answer is both simple and difficult: get out of the boat.  We have to move out of our comfort zones.  We have to surrender our desires, our plans, our everything to Christ and trust in His leadership. It is Christ’s responsibility to train us and prepare us to be fishers of men and disciple makers.

Besides our calling as individuals, God calls our marriages into ministry. When we attended Weekend to Remember (WTR) the first time, we made the realization that marriages are more than just romance and companionship.  We are not only to minister to our children but to be witnesses beyond our homes.  Even in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were created for more than just having romantic love with each other.  God expected them to glorify Him through their children as well as all people who would fill the world.  Even Abraham and Sarah ministered together as they lived in the land God had promised them. 

As the two of us prayed together at that WTR about what God’s mission for us would be, we realized that married couples are specifically put together with strengths and talents that complement each other.  We are united as one flesh which includes our talents and abilities for the purpose of being fishers of men.  We also recognize that not every couple’s ministry for Christ is the same.  Nevertheless,  just as Jesus sent His disciples out in pairs, we are also a pair who can do great things in His name. 

We encourage you to draw near to God together in worship and prayer.  Seek for and surrender to His Holy Spirit.  Step out of the boat and commit your marriage to trusting and following His lead.  Ask for God’s special ministry He has planned for your marriage.  With all of us working together, we can and will complete the mission He has called us to and hasten the return of Jesus.  For we believe that Jesus is…

COMING SOON! - Jonathan & Kori Borne

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