Make a Joyful Noise

A few weeks ago, May 20 to be precise. I joined the Chapel Oaks choir for the Choral Fest at the New Haven church.  There were so many weeks of practice that preceded the day of performance.  Donna McMillen displayed amazing patience with me and others as we tried to learn our parts. In the end, it was a rewarding experience. I especially enjoyed it when all the choirs sang two songs together. I was then assured that, if and when I would mess, up my voice would be drowned by the other more professional singers. So, I sang with joy.

I truly believe that God invented music not just for our enjoyment but also to lift our spirits closer to Himself.  That is why the largest book in the Bible is a songbook. The book of Psalms has been used as the Hymnal for the Jewish people for centuries. We all know that music is an important part of our worship every Sabbath. But what about our personal worship?  David said:

Psalm 5:3

My voice You shall hear in the morning, O LORD;

In the morning I will direct it to You,

And I will look up.

Psalm 59:

16. But I will sing of Your power;

Yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning;

For You have been my defense

And refuge in the day of my trouble.

17. To You, O my Strength, I will sing praises;

For God is my defense,

My God of mercy.

Psalm 59 was written when Saul sent men to kill David and yet David finds this too as an opportunity to sing. So, we can sing to the Lord when things are good, and we can sing to the Lord when things are challenging. But when we sing, we are drawn closer to our Savior, and our faith is renewed. 

So, sing to the Lord, even when your voice is not one that you would like to hear. Psalm 100:1 says, “Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all you lands!” Why not lift your voice to the Lord when you wake up in the morning. You can sing in the shower, at breakfast, or on your commute to work.  I believe that your day will go much more smoothly if we would just sing to the Lord. - Pastor Danny

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